Privacy Policy "Viral Vote" App

General Information

1. Names and Contact Details of the Persons Responsible for Processing

This privacy information applies to data processing by:

2. Rights of the Data Subjects

You have the right:

3. Right to Object

If your personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. e or f GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR, provided there are reasons arising from your particular situation or the objection is directed against direct marketing. In the latter case, you have a general right to object, which will be implemented by us without specifying a particular situation. If you would like to exercise your right of withdrawal or objection, an email to is sufficient.

4. Data Transfer

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties for purposes other than those listed below. We will only share your personal data with third parties if:

Our processors may also receive your personal data for processing purposes to the extent necessary to fulfill the contract. Our processors have no independent right to use your data.

5. Data Security

For this website, we use the widespread SSL (Secure Socket Layer) procedure in connection with the highest encryption level supported by your browser. This is typically 256-bit encryption. If your browser does not support 256-bit encryption, we will use 128-bit v3 technology instead. You can tell whether an individual page of our website is transmitted in encrypted form by the closed display of the key or lock symbol or by the use of https before the address of our (sub)website. We also use appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or complete loss, destruction, or unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.

6. Third Countries

We only transfer data to third countries in accordance with legal regulations. The admissibility of data transfer to third countries is governed by Art. 44 et seq. GDPR. If we transfer your data to a third country, you will be informed about this in the specific privacy information for the respective processing operation, stating the relevant legal regulation.

Specific Privacy Information for Data Processing Processes on the Website and in the App

General Information on the Use of the App/Website

The app itself does not process user data in any way, and works fully offline.
The this data privacy website uses services of the Google Firebase platform ( Specifically, the following services are used: The full privacy policy of the Firebase services can be found here:
Use of Firebase Web Hosting
The data generated for the use of the web app (see "Visiting the Website") is transferred to the USA for storage. This involves certain meta-information. The basis for this is standard contractual clauses provided by Google (see Data transfer for the purpose of logging into the app or website is based on your voluntary consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR.

Visiting the Website

When you visit this website, the browser used on your device automatically sends information to the server of our website. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called log file. The following information is collected without your intervention and stored until automated deletion:

The mentioned data will be processed by us for the following purposes:

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest follows from the data collection purposes listed above. In no case do we use the collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about your person.

Data Subject Rights and Contact Information

To exercise your rights as a data subject, you can contact us at any time using the contact information provided above. For this purpose, it is sufficient to send an informal notification to

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time in compliance with legal requirements.